How Is Your Year Going?


The year is flying by right?

It feels like only a short time ago I wrote about setting goals for the year and now we’re already ¼ of the way into the year!

If I was to ask you to look back at your goals from the start of this year would you be happy with your progress or disappointed?

If you’re happy good on you and keep it up! You would be in the minority from my observations and I commend you on your dedication and focus...

If you’re in the disappointed group don’t worry, there is still time to turn it around. There is still ¾ of the year to go and chances are if you get stuck in now you will get there.

If you need a little help getting back on track the Whole Life Challenge is kicking off again this weekend.

This 6 week lifestyle and habit challenge has been a catalyst for so much growth and change over the years so if this is what you’re in the market for I highly suggest you jump on board with our team!


Accelerate Strength