How To Win With Fitness...

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I am always confused by people who make comments like... 

“I only train so I can eat what I like” or “I train hard during the week so I can let loose on the weekend”

When you look at your training as buying credits to then go and make poor lifestyle choices you are playing a fitness game you will never win! 

Training really hard during the week only to lose all the progress you have just made... 

It’s almost as though you are trying to tread water. Content with keeping your mouth just above the water line gulping for air…  

Every training session is an effort to get your head well above the water line and then the poor choices much like gravity pull you back down to where you started.

Then inevitably you take it too far one weekend. 

You know what I’m talking about… A big weekend, a “bender.”

You fall below the water line and take in a couple of mouth fulls of water.

Coughing and spluttering you feel like crap. This feels like Monday's workout where you don't quite feel as strong or capable as normal...

But it's ok because you will get more training credits this week and next weekend will be the same...   

Now I’m not telling you to stop drinking or having a social life. I am simply asking you to view your training through a different lens.  

Your trainings purpose is not to just keep your head just above water or buy credits for future poor lifestyle choices!  

It's to make you a better, stronger and healthier version of you!

So only when you're ready to stop treading water will you start winning at fitness!             

Accelerate Strength