Training VS Testing
On today's menu at Accelerate Strength we have a gymnastics strength test.
Testing days are a chance for you to check in with where you’re at in your training.
To see if the hard work you have been putting in has progressed you towards your goals of more strength, fitness or health…
Whether you like it or not there will be a number attached to the results of today.
These numbers are important as they give us context for our training days.
Testing sets our upper limits for what our bodies are capable of.
The information you gain from testing days is kinda like the redline in your car. It’s important to know where it is so you’re not always working there but when required you can take it to those limits.
So next time you see a testing day show up don’t run for the hills (which previous attendance generally suggests) see it as an opportunity dig deep and see what you’re capable of!