3 Reasons Maximal Training Is For You
As a coach something get push back on regularly is the relevance of maximal training…
When asked people will shy away from putting themselves out there. Putting in a max effort and truly testing themselves…
“I’m not looking to lift lots of weight”, “I just want to be fit” “I’m not young anymore so pushing it isn’t for me” and “I’m not an athlete”
While these statements are all true and valid I am not going to argue otherwise, maximal training is also relevant even for you!
Here are 3 reasons you should know what you’re capable of:
1. Life is easier:
If you’re a more powerful, capable and stronger human normal tasks in life become easier. Say you’re capable of lifting 100kg over your head.
So many daily tasks become easier. Consider being able to run 400m in 1 minute. Suddenly walking to the top of a large set of stairs won’t leave you puffing.
2. Evolution is a thing:
If you’re not growing you’re dying. We have one responsibility on this planet and that is to evolve.
To leave this planet a better place than when we got here. At our current rate we are becoming fatter and sicker so in my opinion it’s time to turn this ship around!
3. It is more fun:
Fitness is a game. Some days you will win and some days you will lose. Not literally lose but in a sense that you won’t have made any progress since last time.
So long as there is always an effort to improve upon your previous best efforts then it is always worthwhile.
I know it seems intimidating to confront the black and white results our performance will give us. To me it just doesn’t seem worthwhile to not know what you’re capable of!
Shaun Diachkoff