Portion Control Goes Beyond Your Diet...


We are asked pretty regularly as gym owners/coaches what’s the best thing you can do for your nutrition and training… 

My advice for both of these things is portion control. Sure it makes sense in terms of your diet. Put less food on your plate if you want to lose weight or if you do fill it and you’re full halfway through your meal don’t eat it all. 

Portion control is also the advice I give to those who struggle to find time for their training. They obviously value training and want to make it in more but feel the pull of on hanging with friends, work functions, kids or social events isn’t something they can say no to… 

Portion control is important here too.Choose the events you want to go to, make the most of them and make sure you make it in to training too… 

The portions you have are up to you! 

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength