See Things From A Different Perspective...
One of the most valuable lessons to me as a coach is realising that others can often and do often have different perspectives. I will often refer to these different perspectives as lenses to view the world through…
This realisation has come to me at a relatively young age but I still wish it had come sooner. It has been a massive aid in my development and learning and I feel if most people understood this there would be a lot less problems and arguments in the world.
When you understand this you’re able to put yourself in other people's shoes so to speak. You can put aside your own perspective and take on another point of view. Not only does this help in communicating with others but it is key to developing a deeper understanding of things.
It takes maturity and self awareness but in the end the learning and growth that come from it are endless because there are so many shoes to metaphorically put yourself in and you never know the view from there could be better than yours…
Shaun Diachkoff