Doubting Your Own Abilities


Most people I know have this tendency to doubt their abilities...

They don’t deserve the good things that happen to them, they are doomed to fail all pursuits and they deserve all the bad things that happen to them.

There is an element of self pity we all exhibit…  

Now I’m sure you will agree with me this sounds silly and surely nobody would benefit from operating with this type of thought process. Hell if one of your kids was doing this you would want them to snap out of it ASAP.

What I do understand though is we are human beings and we ride a rollercoaster of emotions on the daily. At times it can be hard to control our thoughts and feelings about certain situations which arise. What I do witness however is those who can control these thoughts are at a huge advantage!

If we can all make a conscious effort to change our thought selection we will all benefit from the process.

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but I can guarantee it will be worth it!

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength