Your Body Has Different Gears So Use Them
Did you know your body has 3 different ways to produce energy?
Depending on the work required our bodies can produce energy from different sources.
Efforts requiring a short burst of energy with a very high power or strength output of say 90 - 100% will use the Phosphagen system. Because we are able to have such a high power output this energy source is depleted generally after 10-15 seconds of effort.
If we’re completing a workout which lasts longer than this we will break into our Glycolytic system which will allow us to output between 65-85% of what we’re capable of. This can last up to a few minutes for someone with average fitness. Both of the energy systems I have just mentioned do not require oxygen and are therefore deemed anaerobic. Our bodies contain the fuel to produce the energy already which is why they have a limited time frame.
It’s not until we start using oxygen that we can go beyond a few minutes and last up to a few hours. This is called the oxidative energy system. Here we have the potential to use anywhere up to 65 or 70% of our max power output for as long as we can handle.
If general fitness and health is your goal then in order to get the most from your body you should spend time in and develop each of these energy systems in each training session!
Shaun Diachkoff