Wow... I Didn't Expect That!


I would have to say one of the most satisfying things we get to experience as gym owners and coaches is seeing our clients achieve things they never thought possible.

The most common form of this is through a Pr. Whether it’s someone lifting a weight they have never lifted, or the fact now they can perform a movement never thought possible.

These things happen more than once daily. In fact in just the 20 days of this month so far we have had 97 Pr’s recorded in the gym.

This same satisfaction is also felt when we hear of achievements outside the gym. Whether it be a father becoming strong enough to pick up his young kids, a wife fitting into her old wedding dress or a client using the strength gained in the gym to carry out their duties at work.

These are all feats just the same and are worth celebrating so don’t forget that!

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength