

A common observation I have is that people are constantly comparing themselves to others.

Your income, the car you drive or the job you have…  

In the gym this shows up by comparing weights, the movements you can do or how flexible you are.

If used thoughtfully it can be a massive advantage to your training. If, however, used in the wrong ways it can be a massive hindrance and source of demotivation.  

The way I see it is if others around me are getting better, the better it is for me because I have to aim higher to meet them there!  

Sure it might be frustrating in the moment to not be the best at something but this short term disappointment is far outweighed by the long term growth you will experience from the challenge.  

Try as we might we will never be the best at everything in life so the sooner we realise this and see the pursuit as an opportunity the better you will become!

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength