Do Something Your Older Self Will Thank You For
For those who haven’t realised yet, fitness to us means more than just the ability to lift a heavy weight or run a long distance really fast…
It’s our belief a great fitness program will also include work on things like balance, accuracy, coordination and agility. Often deemed “unsexy” skills and overlooked by others in the fitness space.
Instead a premium is placed on how much of a “sweat” you can get.
We all know as we age our ability to perform these “unsexy” skills decreases. So in saying this if we had our best interests in mind we would continue to work on them no matter where they land on the sexy scale…
Our clients have become all too familiar with work like this in our programming.
They understand that while sometimes it can be fun and enjoyable and other times it can be downright frustrating.
Either way they know their 75 year old selves will thank them for doing it!
Shaun Diachkoff