Starting Your Journey The Right Way...
Mechanics, Consistency Intensity…
As a CrossFit gym this is what we believe in. Teaching clients the correct mechanics of the movements we perform, allowing them to build consistency using lighter weights and easier movements and only when consistency can be demonstrated do we allow the final piece being intensity to increase.
In my opinion lots of gyms pay lip service to these principles and fail at the first obstacle…
This being the on-boarding of new clients!
The traditional way of offering a trial class and is irresponsible for a gym owner in my opinion for 2 reasons…
If the potential new client has never done this training before they will be completely lost and will require lots of the coaches attention to get through the session. This doesn’t give a great first impression because it seems hard and is nobody enjoys not being good at something or not knowing what is going on…
The coach is providing lots of attention to this new client and not the current clients who are paying them. If I was a client in this situation I would not be impressed…
So if this way is not good what is the best way to onboard clients?
In our experience one on one coaching works best. This allows the most time to teach movement, watch how the client moves, address any injuries or incorrect movement patterns and form a relationship with the client, set expectations and learn as much as we can about their current fitness level.
Then and only then can we do the best job of coaching them in group classes.
The next time you are looking for a gym enquire first about their on-boarding process and if they say just jump in I would say no thanks…
Shaun Diachkoff