How To Find Out What You're Made Of!


Do you know what you’re made of?

I mean this literally… Like what is actually inside of you?

How much you weigh, what percentage is muscle mass and what percentage is body fat?

Measure Up is a local company who provide access to DEXA scans for gyms like ours. The scans are conducted in one of their mobile vans by an accredited Exercise Physiologist and will provide a report containing the following: macronutrient recommendations, fat mass in each region of your body, muscle mass in each region of your body and your bone mineral density.

The information in these reports is just as useful as knowing your performance markers in the gym like how much you can squat, deadlift or bench… After all if you measure it you can manage it and make improvements!  

The van will be here this Saturday the 19th of January and booking can be made via this link.

If you’re taking part in the Whole Life Challenge I highly recommend you book yourself in because you don’t want to get to the end and wonder how much you changed when you can know for certain!

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength