Accelerate Strength

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Your First Time...

In life you will encounter plenty of firsts.

The first time driving a car, a job interview or an important test…

In all of these cases it took a little courage on your part to decide to try it and then even more to follow through.

In terms of fitness I understand it takes a little bit of courage to give us a try. From the outside looking in it can be ‘too hard’ or ‘only for fit people’.

I can promise you this is not the case. If you’re a beginner it’s full of people just like you who our amazing coaches live and breathe to help.

We take complex movements and exercises and break them down into smaller and simpler movements so not only those just starting out but also those who are experienced constantly have something to improve upon.

This might be contrary to the highlight reel many CrossFit gyms show on social media but it is the honest to god truth!  

My point here is while it may take a little courage to give us a try so do lots of things in life so don’t let it hold you back…

Shaun Diachkoff
