Making The Difficult, Easy, Since Forever...
Coming from a career in Aviation maintenance I have grown accustomed to utilising checklists.
As you can imagine when working on helicopters or planes it is important to not go off memory or jotted down notes but to instead follow some sort of checklist.
To me checklists are worth their weight in gold especially for some movements in the gym…
Consider a weightlifting movement like the snatch. There are many moving parts and plenty of ways to cue it so it would serve you well to condense these down to a few simple action items.
In my opinion this will lead to more success when you get your hands on the bar.
The idea behind creating a checklist for technical movements is so you don’t have to remember everything at once. You can just move through the steps one at a time.
Sure there will be days where you just aren’t feeling it or your brain just fails you. So simplicity is where it’s at. With all the distractions these days the value of a checklist is becoming even greater.
Shaun Diachkoff