What Your Friends Think You Do VS What You Actually Do
One of the questions I ask new clients before starting with us is: “What do you think happens in our classes?”
The responses I get vary dramatically. I love listening to the different perspectives and expectations people come up with.
It’s kinda like the old meme, what you think you do, what your friends think you do and what your mum thinks you do. Spoiler alert all of them are different…
One of the more common statements to come up is “It’s intense”
There is this expectation that you come in and flog yourself for an hour and then go about your day.
While we do ask for intensity in our classes we definitely don’t do this straight off the bat. It’s actually the 3rd thing we ask for. What’s more important to us is the following:
Mechanics: Learn how to move correctly. Learn the cues the coaches will use and how movements should be performed for efficiency and sustainability.
Consistency: Show us good mechanics all of the time. If you cannot nail 10/10 squats without weight what gives you the right to go adding weight…
Intensity: Once you move well all of the time it is time to make things harder. More weight, faster repetitions and more technical movements are all tools we can use to increase or decrease the intensity.
Next time you hear someone who doesn’t follow our way of training trying to articulate their opinion of what we do give them this answer…