Your Responsibility...

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How does training fit into your list of things to do?

Is it a chore? A reward? Time to yourself?

The way you refer to it will see you either succeed or fail.

Rather than being a bonus in your life what if you referred to training as your duty or  responsibility?

You see when we refer to things as treats or rewards they are the first to get dropped from the list.  

Didn’t sleep well last night? Too tired to train…

Worked a little late? Won’t make my usual class time…

Don’t feel very motivated? Will take a rest day...

When the going gets tough (which it will) if training is your bonus these excuses will flow freely!

If however, it is your responsibility to go, you will come up with reasons to train.

Didn’t sleep well last night? I will feel much better after I finish the workout…  

Worked a little late? I can make the later class instead of my usual class time…

Don’t feel very motivated? All I have to do is show up and the coach will have my back…

If you’re doing it for the wrong reasons you will always find a way to let yourself off the hook…

Training is your responsibility so I suggest you refer to it that way!

Accelerate Strength