Accelerate Strength

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Have You Challenged yourself Lately...

I was asked this question recently by someone I look up to…

How much better has your driving gotten this year?

I bet if you’re like me your driving has remained the same or maybe even gotten worse. I haven’t been in any particularly challenging situations which could help me improve…  

Between checking Facebook making a phone call and posting to Instagram between turns of the wheel or the change of gears you have not really become that much better a driver.

There is nothing wrong with not getting better at this.  

What it does as serve as a reminder that just because we do something all the time doesn’t mean you get better at it by default.

So how do you go about moving the needle on something?

Whether it be driving a car, playing hot cross buns on the recorder or your golf game.

It all comes down to deliberate practice…  

What does this look like?

Step 1:
Set a clear stretch goal. Something which makes you slightly uncomfortable and pushes you beyond your current capabilities.

Step 2:
Gain immediate and informative feedback  This is easy with the recorder because it will sound bad when you go off track. Much the same with golf. You aim to hit the ball one way and it either goes there or it doesn’t.

Step 3:
Focussed repetition. This means putting time into trying and failing multiple times and changing your approach based on feedback until you become better at or master the skill.

You don’t need to trust me on this one. It just works. You used this method when learning to walk, talk and eat…