What Choices Are You Making?

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Every minute of every day you are making choices whether consciously or subconsciously.

The sum of your choices is what makes you the person you are. Your choices can either work for or against you…  

This is where opportunity cost comes into play.  

For example if you chose to stay up late watching Netflix the cost may be an hour or 2 of good quality deep sleep.

If you chose to stay at work late the cost is time with family, friends or the gym.

If you chose to go out drinking with your friends 3 nights a week the cost might be a body composition you're not proud of... 

The beauty of our choices is we literally have the chance to make them over each day.

You just need to make the smart ones which lead you towards your desired outcome!

Your destination is not set and the choices you make today will determine where you start from tomorrow.

Next time you need to make a choice ask whether it will move you towards or away from your desired outcome and this will determine your answer…

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