Make A Commitment...


When was the last time you felt really passionately about something?

Picture an event or a time in your life when you really wanted something to work out.

Did you go into it saying “Let’s just see how it goes…”

That’s right!

I bet you didn’t (unless you got extremely lucky).

Generally when you go in with this attitude you rarely put in much effort.  

If your attitude was different going in you would get a completely different result. Every single time!  

You see my problem with this kind of “just see how it goes” mentality in the fitness space is that people bounce around different gyms, different disciplines and last only as long as the effort they put in…

Then when they leave they will blame “the program” or some other external factor for their lack of commitment.  

To someone who has made a commitment this sort of excuse won’t fly.

Next time you go into something put yourself in a position where it has to work.    

Make a commitment!

Accelerate Strength