

“Those who think they have no time for healthy living will sooner or later have to find time for illness” Edward Stanley.

We as a culture put little value on the things which actually bring our health up and spend silly amounts of money on things which are not good for us in order to feel good.     

Things like Chiro, Physio, Massage, Gyms and Personal Training sessions are seen as luxury items.

A bottle of wine or case of beer however are seen as an everyday expense…

One thing will bring your health up and the other is a poison.  

You only have to go and check out your local pub on a Friday or Saturday night and compare it to the gym to see where most people place their value…

In my opinion the reason people don’t subscribe to a long fitness journey is it takes a long time to see results and feel good.   

Now don’t get me wrong I am not on my high horse saying you should never drink again. I too have had my fair share of silly nights out.

I just see proportionately people are willing to spend more on the things which do not bring health and place significantly less value on the things which do.           

Before you consider yourself a “health conscious” person firstly look at your bank statement and see where you invest most of your time and money.

This will tell the story…

Accelerate Strength