Master The Simple To Earn The Sexy
My bet is you want to perform at your best today…
Most people however will reach a point where this is not possible. It’s not through a lack of effort or attempts.
Your desire to succeed has simply become greater than your ability to execute!
This downfall is brought upon by focussing on the sexy instead of the simple. By focussing only on the PR lifts or the things which make you feel stronger or cooler in the gym.
This happens to us all. I know because it happens to me too…
Just because you are aware, doesn’t make you immune.
Once we become proficient we are quick to turn our attention from the simple and boring things which helped us gain our skills to the things that look cool on Instagram!
When this day inevitably comes (which it will) remember this and put your focus back to mastering the simple because it is through this we earn the right to be sexy every now and then!