The Side Effects We Should All Be Chasing...
It would have to be the most stereotypical fitness goal going around.
Weight loss…
While we don’t go around spruiking weight loss it is one one of the most abundant goals within our four walls.
I’m not here to diss people about their goals but I will always remind them that this goal is a little misguided.
Why you say?
In general I find it is not actually what the person wants. Being a couple of kilos lighter will not have an impact on anything except your relationship with gravity.
More often than not the person just wants to look more toned, decrease their body fat percentage or for their body shape to change a little.
So let’s say this all happens and you see a higher number on the scales (which does happen)...
Does this mean you failed? What next?
Do you need to lose more weight? Do you modify your training and eating habits to maintain this weight? Do you change your goals? Do you stop training?
So if weight loss goals are not the way what would I suggest?
Process oriented goals...
Things like setting a 5k run time, a max set of push ups or pull ups. These things are not only tangible but they are fully in your control. They will also last beyond the finish line of the original goal.
You can always try to beat your run time and do more pull ups and push ups.
The beauty in this is the side effect of better performance is generally decreased body fat percentage, looking more toned/athletic and a change in body shape.
Performance is great like that. Black and white, yes or no and simultaneously covering off on the things you wanted…
So next time rather than picking the stereotypical weight loss goal pick a physical task you can work towards and put all your effort into it and reap the rewards of the side effects!
Shaun Diachkoff