Strength and Conditioning: The Perfect Duo for Longevity
People love floating the importance of maintaining our strength and muscle mass as we age. And it is crucial. But we often overlook the value of our conditioning.
Aging is a natural and complex physiological process influenced by many factors, some of which are modifiable and others not. As the number of older individuals continues to rise, it is important to recognize, as Dr. Jeremy Morris did with his pioneering studies in the fifties, “Men in physically active jobs [conductors] have a lower incidence of coronary heart disease in middle age men than men in physically inactive jobs [drivers].”
Physical inactivity has become a global problem, with regular muscle-strengthening activities being recommended by several national and international physical activity guidelines.
The Importance of Conditioning
We can increase the period of our lives spent in good health, free from the disabilities of aging, by coupling our strength training with conditioning. The difference is considerable, with more and more research showing that strength training alone isn’t as effective at improving longevity without metabolic conditioning.
Combining Strength Training with Conditioning
Joint analysis combining muscle-strengthening exercises with aerobic activities has shown to provide greater benefits for reducing mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. This means strength training and metabolic conditioning work together synergistically to support our overall health and vitality throughout our lives.
The Benefits of Aerobic Training
If your primary training goal is longevity, your training should always include both strength and metabolic conditioning rather than considering them as separate or exclusive choices. Unless your sole ambition is to specialize as a powerlifter, weightlifter, or another strength-focused athlete, it's important to dedicate time to enhancing your metabolic base, which, for most, involves aerobic training.
The benefits of regular exercise on mortality and the prevention and control of chronic disease affecting both life expectancy and quality of life are well established.
Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Longevity
So, let's get after it. At Accelerate Strength, we emphasize the importance of a balanced approach to fitness. Join us and learn how to incorporate both strength and conditioning into your routine for a healthier, longer life.