Coach Chris's Top 3 Mobility Drills
Firstly what is Mobility?
A combination of flexibility as displayed by our infant selves underpinned by strength/control. Greater levels of mobility not only help safeguard our joints but also make it easier for us to achieve certain positions which our chosen sport or activity demand. Here are my top three mobility drills based on where most people tend to be restricted. Hold all stretches for 2 min while trying to belly breath avoiding any pain, tingling or burning sensations.
1. Hip External rotation
Adequate hip rotation typically indicates a 'happy' hip joint and allows the femur (thigh bone) to move with more ease in the socket. Place front leg knee directly in front of same side hip with knee bent to 90'. Place back leg directly out to the side of same side hip with knee bent to 90'. To find the stretch in the front hip sit as tall as you can and reach your chest forward maintaining a flat back until you feel a stretch in the glute/hip region.
2. Ankle dorsiflexion
A huge requirement for the majority of lower body exercises. Inadequate mobility at this joint can typically lead to achilles &/or knee issues. Set up in a bilateral pistol position with feet together and support under your heels allowing you to deep squat with ease. From there lower into the bottom of a deep squat with feet remaining flat, ie heel and forefoot down. Bring your knees as far forward as you can with heels staying down and kneecap tracking between your second and third toe.
3. Shoulder external rotation
Adequate shoulder rotation typically indicates a 'happy' shoulder joint and allows the humerus (upper arm bone) to move with more ease in the socket. Using a broom stick set up on a surface which brings elbows close to shoulder height. Place elbows at shoulder width and walk hands down the broom stick keeping elbows in the same spot. When you feel a stretch in your shoulders try and bring your elbows narrower and hold from there.