Mobility would have to be one of the things which is an issue for most of the people who walk through our doors.
It seems everyone wants more of it but it’s the thing everyone puts the least amount of time and effort into.
It’s almost an afterthought. I would even go as far as to say if there was a hierarchy or priority list then training would be on top possibly followed by nutrition, extra training and then somewhere down the bottom would fall mobility/stretching type work...
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt since taking the pedal off the gas in my competitive functional fitness training and recovery protocols is that I have lost the ability to reach good positions as easily in movements like the snatch, the clean and even a simple front squat.
One of the things we know about things like snatching and squatting is that it doesn’t all just come down to strength. Those who have the ability to reach the best positions are generally the ones who can lift the most weight and will have the greatest longevity in doing these movements.
So if you’re reading this nodding I’d encourage you to think a little more about your mobility and how even just 10-15 minutes a day in front of the TV could make a huge difference in not just your mobility but also your ability to put more weight on the bar!