Reminder: Don't Just Let Life Happen To You!
As a gym owner I regularly get phone calls from people wanting to get fit.
No surprises here right…
Of the people I speak to each week some not all fit into these categories:
They are at a point where they are unhappy with what they’re currently doing for training
They haven’t trained for a long time and need help getting back into it
They have realised for themselves or been to the doctor and told to do something about their current state because their health is at risk
I always find it interesting when we chat about their current situation and the language they use. It’s as if things in life are just happening to them and they don’t feel they can control it.
I’m here to remind you that life doesn't just happen to you! You have complete control over what happens and how you go about EVERYTHING in your life. Where you put your money, the things you eat, drink and the training and sleep you get.
If you’re unhappy with something don’t just be a bystander, make a change or find someone who can help you make a change.
There are plenty of people out there who can help and if fitness one of the things on your list to regain control of give us a call because I’d love to help you regain control!
Shaun Diachkoff