What You Can Benefit From Laying It All On The Line...
Yesterday I was chatting with someone who said they were jealous of the lifestyle we lead as business owners. While I am extremely happy with where we are as a business and the opportunities and time it affords us to do the things we love I am also aware of the sacrifices we made to get here.
It’s easy to look at the end of someone's story and think it was always meant to be like that. Take Apple for example. We all know how this story ended so we have this tendency to just shrug off the hard work Steve and the founding crew put into getting it going. The crushing defeats don’t seem so bad, the near bankruptcy, getting kicked out of his own company and having to hand over control to someone else. Because we know it all works out the hard work seems worth it!
What if you didn’t know how the story ended?
Like us when we started our gym 5 years ago. Zero clients, we didn’t know a single person who lived in the area, our life savings were on the line, we knew nothing about business, there was no one there to help us, if things didn’t pan out we would have to ask for our old jobs back and the only advice we would get was from people saying it wasn’t the safest or smartest option…
Every time someone cancelled their membership, people didn’t show up for a PT session, zero people showed for a class or a new gym opened up the road was a crushing defeat. It was easy to take these things personally because we had so much on the line! We literally had everything on the line!
Fast forward a few years and we know how it ends. Shaun plays golf a couple of times a week and Matt goes surfing every other day and the gym is an authority in the fitness space in the Inner West!
My question to you is this:
If you didn’t know the end to this story would you be willing to risk everything and fail to make it happen?
Shaun Diachkoff