Accelerate Strength

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Using Human Behaviour To Your Advantage

As humans our thoughts, behaviours and habits are influenced heavily by those around us. If we do certain things that are praised, approved or respected we find it attractive and it fuels us to do it more! 

On the flip side we are also motivated to avoid things which will lower our status. You can generally spot these things as the ones which make you think “What will they think of me?” 

So if we know this drives our motivation how do we play it in our favour? 

Join a group who normalise the behavior, habit or attitude you want to adopt. These new habits will seem achievable when you see others doing them every day.  

For example, if you want to become a good swimmer, join the local swim squad who wake up at 430am every weekday and go to the pool rain hail or shine and put in the km’s. If you want to get fitter join a gym where you’re surrounded by fit people so working out becomes a common habit. 

No matter your pursuit surround yourself with those who have the habit you want to have yourself and you will all move forward together! 

Shaun Diachkoff
