Your Trajectory Will Determine Your Results


I’m currently reading a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. In my opinion this is the best best book on the topic if you’re looking for a recommendation.

A Quote from James’s book which really struck home was “You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with you current results” 

All too often I hear people voice complaints over their lack of results rather than focusing on what is coming to them if they continue on their current path! 

You see when trying to undo whatever version of letting yourself go you have gotten to it’s not an easy thing to pull yourself out of. If this hole you have metaphorically dug for yourself has taken years to dig then you should be looking at a trajectory of at least this far in the future to get yourself out of it… 

Short term challenges or bursts of motivation will get results which fade away just as quickly. If you’re looking for lasting change set the longest trajectory possible and hang on for the ride! 

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength