Stop The Search...
I have lost count of the amount of times people walk into our gym off the street and point to exactly where they want to lose weight and exactly how much they feel it should cost to do such a thing…
Needless to say these conversations don’t get far before they realise the work we will ask of them is tough and that we won’t sell them a 6 week plan or some bullshit shake diet to give them the body of their dreams.
It’s funny the way they come to us almost hoping we have an answer which doesn’t involve lifting weights, sleeping well, drinking water instead of soft drinks and eating whole foods while avoiding processed ones…
They want an easy way out because that’s what every other gym has sold them before. If this is you and you’re searching for the easy way out stop the search because there’s no such thing.
Instead accept the fact that in order to get something you’ve never had you will have to do something you’ve never done!
Shaun Diachkoff