Programming For No Injuries...


When people bring up the CrossFit training causes injury statement I generally roll my eyes… 

They generally think we want to push them to the edge of their capabilities daily. Sure this will help them get good really quickly but it also increases the risk of injury significantly and that is not good for my business or my clients health and well being…  

On the flip side though however if you constantly do something which isn’t challenging you then chances of your body transforming past what it is currently are zero…

So how do we find a good balance? Our program is broken into 3 parts:

Mechanics days: Where we focus less on intensity and more on the quality of the movement.

Consistency days: The focus of these days is to challenge the movement in a way where it will start to breakdown at a point so the focus has to remain on keep good mechanics consistently. 

Intensity days: We program these days at least 2 maybe 3 times per week and it’s where the complexity of movements is decreased so we can push harder with less risk of injury or bad movement patterns. 

By focussing on these 3 elements weekly we know that we will make some change short term with the intensity and we have the long term covered with the mechanics and consistency days. 

Sure the results take a little more time but in the end our goal is a better stronger healthier you and injuries don’t have any place in that outcome! 

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength