Accelerate Strength

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The Question All High Performers Ask Themselves Daily...

Let’s be honest results are always the first thing we look at these days.

Did you get that job, run your fastest 5k’s or set a new PR in the gym?

And sure results are important, but, in my opinion we tend to forget the thing which gets us there... This is the process!

As a society we have no shortage of overnight success stories and I’m reminded of this daily when I hear people say things like “I wish I could do that” or “I wish that was me”...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you look more closely at that person's success you will more often than not find years of consistent practice. Consistently pushing in the gym, consistently working hard and consistently working harder than others. This is how PR’s and the like will be achieved…

It won’t be easy and you won’t always be happy to do it but I can guarantee success in your pursuit will come if you constantly answer yes to the following question…

Am I better than I was yesterday?