Accelerate Strength

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Do You Call Yourself A Health Conscious Person?

Being a gym owner allows me to talk with people who identify as certain things.

One of these people is the “health conscious” person. One who goes to the gym, maybe has a personal trainer, they have health cover which includes a good array of extras and will regularly sign themselves up to things like tough mudders, social sports teams or spartan races.

This person will also spend money on things like pre prepared meals, massages, physio/chiro and their cupboard is probably full of more Lululemon clothing than you can poke a stick at…

They will spend time cooking their own healthy meals, going to the gym/exercising or doing something active and probably not go out drinking till 3am on weekends.  

The common theme among this type of person is nearly all of the places they spend their time and money has something to do with health and fitness…

You won’t often find large sums of time or money being spent at pubs, fast food outlets or on things which wont aid their health and fitness habits…   

Now let’s get this clear I am not against people whose spending and habits don’t align with the health conscious person I described. What I do have a problem with is someone calling themselves health conscious and failing to meet these simple criteria.

If you want call yourself health conscious do a quick stocktake of your habits and track where your time and money goes.

This will give you your answer… !  

Shaun Diachkoff
