The Best Training Plan You Can Make...
Let’s face it everyone is great at planning when things are going well but we don’t like to plan for worst case scenarios…
I see this play out in the gym daily. When people say things like when work is less busy I will make it back in. Or when things are a little less hectic at home I will be able to get back there…
Regardless of your circumstances it would be highly beneficial for you to have plans in place for when these things inevitably come up. Because chances are these things will happen to us at some point and it would pay for you to firstly identify them before they become issues and secondly come up with a way to stay on track when they do.
So what's your plan for training when work gets busy? What's your plan for when the kids are sick? What’s your plan for when your motivation is lacking?
Answer these questions now so when the time comes you have a plan and your training doesn’t have to suffer…