Being In The Moment...
One thing I observe most days is people struggle to be in the present moment. Stress and anxiety affects more of us than ever before and so does our addiction to technology. Living in Sydney it’s hard to NOT be stressed and distracted 24/7…
As I’ve gotten older I have become much better with dealing with these stresses and the thing I’ve found best in dealing with it is finding things to do which pull you to the present moment!
Training in group classes or with friends, meditation and golf are all things which help me to do this. They all require focus and effort to do well which keeps you in the present moment.
This has helped me realise that anything not in the here and now doesn’t deserve all of your attention. Because the notifications, emails, whatsapp chats and to do lists can wait till you’re done with what you’re doing…
My advice to you is, don’t let things not in the present moment weigh on you, distract you or stress you out.
Find activities like I do which will keep you in the present moment and even if for only an hour or two a day to enjoy the present moment!