Accelerate Strength

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Know Where You Stand...

One conversation I have been having a lot lately is a comparison of what we do to other fitness programs popping up all over the place…

When asked if it is hard to compete against them my answer is always NO.

This surprises most people. They say surely another gym popping up in your local area as a gym owner is scary?  

I have actually seen a rise in people enrolling in some sort of gym program since the arrival of these franchises. More people joining gyms means more potential clients to draw from and this can only be good for anyone in the business of selling fitness…  

You see consumers need choices to meet them at the level they currently are…

From the normal gym with no coaching, cheap memberships and low attendance rates.

To the franchise model where you pay a higher rate, there is a small amount of “coaching” and you train in a group environment.

Then the independent gym. Group classes, a great program, high level coaching and more technical and advanced movements and a more constant progression than you will get in any of the other gyms.

Each will appeal to different people at different stages of their fitness journey.

The trend I see people follow is they will work their way up from the gym or nothing to visit a franchise gym. At the franchise gym they reach a good level of fitness, make friends and enjoy their training. Then comes a point where they stop seeing results…  

Due to the nature of these gyms they rarely perform movements which are too technical, use heavy weights or are difficult to coach. This lack of variation is what causes the eventual plateau.

This is in my opinion where the independent gyms thrive. More technical movements, barbells, heavier weights and a program which follows scientific principles of building strength and conditioning plus a heavy emphasis on good movement quality over exercise for the sake of getting a sweat!  

So to me it doesn’t feel like competition. Just more people looking after their health and fitness and when the time is right they will come knocking on our door!

Shaun Diachkoff
