Accelerate Strength

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How Does Your Future Look?

What happens when you find yourself in a situation you have never been before?

Depending on what this situation is there is a good chance of failure. I believe the old saying rings true “We fail at the margin of our experiences”.

Whether it’s in the gym, taking a game winning shot or your first mission as a fighter pilot.  

So this begs the question. How do we achieve our goals if they are always beyond our current capabilities?

My answer: Visualisation.

Visualisation is a valuable tool. It’s how high performers accomplish the incredible things they do.

How many kids do you see playing cricket in the backyard pretending to hit a 6 to win the match or shooting the game winning 3 pointer in basketball.

Do you think Michael Jordan, LeBron James or Steph Curry practiced this in their backyards as kids?

Sure these things aren’t direct experience, they are just a simulation of the situation but when the time comes they have seen themselves there before and can’t wait to make it happen!

Can’t do a pull up yet… Cool. Close your eyes and watch yourself do it. The swing, the kip and then your chin sailing over the bar. Sure it might take a while but you’ve got to see your future to believe it.

So Visualise!

Shaun Diachkoff
