Strongman Training Isn't Weird...
We often refer to the Atlas stones, the Yoke and Sandbags as “odd” or ‘weird” objects in the gym…
While I agree with this statement because yes they are different than what you will find in a “normal” gym. If you think about it they are actually less weird than the barbell or a kettlebell…
If you think about it an Atlas stone is just a rock. Right? Sure it’s smooth and rounded but it’s just a rock! Rocks have been around longer than barbells, so why is it that we call the stones “weird” and not the barbell?
As for the sandbags… They are more similar to a moving box, a kid or some other object you’re likely to pick up in your daily travels. (Yes I just drew a similarity between a kid and a sandbag)
Weight plates, dumbbells and barbells have become such commonplace in gyms these days such that anything which differs from them is seen as weird or different…
At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter which object you’re moving whether it be a barbell, atlas stone or dumbbell. Each offers it’s own unique challenges and will require you to move in different ways to achieve the same thing. The important thing is you use a variety of them to challenge you in different ways.
This is why we use these implements. Because it doesn’t matter which one we put in front of you our coaches will always teach you the best way to move with that object!
Shaun Diachkoff