Train Hard For An Easy Life!


The phrase “Train hard play easy” was always thrown around in sports I played when growing up.

While the coaches would pay lip service to this statement in hindsight the training we performed never actually more than prepared us for the game. It just got us there…

It’s like they would wrap us in cotton wool during training sessions and then throw us out on the field on the weekend and expect us to run, throw or tackle at full speed and not get hurt!  

In my opinion this is what most training programs do for the people who follow them…  

They do the bare minimum of exposing people to hard things and then expect it to make them better at things life will throw at them.  

Now I understand this cannot happen in every situation for safety reasons and or risk of injury but there are definitely ways to train this way while remaining safe…  

We do this in our training program by lifting heavier weights than you lift at home, jumping onto higher objects then daily life will expect of you and lifting heavier objects above your head than daily life will ask of you.

Those who are best at dealing with challenging or difficult situations are those who have been there before and your program is how you do this!  

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength