

How would you rate yours?

Are you one of those people who jumps at offers? The 6 week challenge, 30 days free, buy now pay later…

If your pattern is to jump at these offers and then fall off the wagon along the way then I would say you don’t have an ounce of it!

If your goal is to see long lasting success in anything then you have got to find a way to be patient.

I’m not talking about the kind of patience required to wait in line for your morning coffee.

I’m talking about the patience which will allow you to grow and develop in a slow and sustainable way for a long period of time. Hopefully your lifetime!  

I hate to break it to you but don’t get moviestar abs in 6 minutes. You don’t get a masters degree in 6 weeks and lasting change takes a long time to happen…

So what am I getting at here?

Have you recognised the similarity in all advertising online these days? The promise of giving it to you fast... 

Companies constantly telling you they are faster than all the other slower options available to you! They play on the fact we humans are impatient...  

Here is your reminder... Fitness is a journey not a destination.

Be prepared to subscribe to something for a long period of time and do it with consistency. 

Start off with small goals and let them build to bigger things over time. 

This will build your patience... 

I like this method because I am yet to hear someone reach their goal and say hey man I’m done here. I don't need to train anymore... 

Patience is essential. Good things come to those who have it!   

Accelerate Strength