Accelerate Strength

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It's Not The Program It's You

It’s not about the program… and it never has been!

I always find it funny when talking to potential clients about what we offer because there are some who just don’t get it.

They have been conditioned to believe the only thing which will get them any success in the gym is a special program. While there may be some truth to this I believe the average person who calls us does not fit into the category of needing a “special program”…  

Generally I get requests like I want to come in and try a class to “see what the programming is like” or they even ask us to send them the workouts.

I can send them all the workouts they want because the program is not what our clients pay for. If all they wanted was a program to follow they could just go online and follow some 6 or 12 week booty challenge program and save themselves some money.

What people don’t see until they come in is the coaching, the accountability and the standard we hold our clients to!

For some of our clients it is the first time in their lives they have been able to stick to some sort of training and because of the coaching and accountability they stay for a long time!

There is no secret way to program. The 5/3/1, Smolov and conjugate programs deliver a different result for every single person who follows them.

There is no secret sets and reps to help you reach any goal but there is a process to follow to getting better at anything…  

This process is as follows:

  1. Set yourself a clear stretch goal

  2. Gather immediate and informative feedback

  3. Focussed repetition

Set a goal which will expand your current capabilities.

Put yourself in a position to gain immediate, informative feedback.  

Perform focussed repetition. Meaning, you pay attention to the feedback gathered and make changes to improve with every repetition.   

This is the way you learnt to walk, talk and eat.

You don’t need to trust me it just works!