Life Is Easier When You're Stronger
As a strength and conditioning coach I talk with many people daily about our program and one of the biggest points of resistance is I don't think I'm strong enough...
It makes people uneasy to talk about strength training, especially women in my experience.
There is a certain stigma around strength training. Part of the population believes getting strong is only for those who want to get massive, sports people or those with physically demanding jobs.
Those who subscribe to this thought process are missing out in my opinion on the most important piece of the fitness puzzle which is strength.
Have you ever heard someone say “I’m too strong”...
Didn’t think so!
For those who say it is dangerous, isn’t appealing or not good for you here’s what I have to say to you:
1. Strength is the most used component of fitness in your life. Your ability to produce force is tested in so many different aspects of your life and not to mention an unavoidable part of life. You lift, move, carry and hold different objects more than you will ever walk or run or “do cardio”. Being stronger helps this.
2. Heavy is subjective and completely based on you as an individual. To the people who say I’m not strong enough to lift that weight… I say luckily for you weights come in all shapes and sizes so which one can you lift. Let's start there and build up over time.
Strength is totally relative and what’s heavy for me might not be heavy for you which is the beauty of it. Your pursuit for strength is different to mine and should always be a pursuit to better yourself and not a lifelong pursuit of meeting external standards!
3. When it comes to lifting heavy weight and having strength you have no choice in life. Strength is a necessity not a matter of personal preference!
Lifting children, moving house or lifting a case of wine or beer from the car. The only way to get stronger and make these tasks easier is firstly learning how to lift weights then actually doing it consistently.
The best way to build strength requires you to lift the heaviest weights you can and the best way to lift the heaviest weights in my opinion is with a barbell or strongman equipment.
The sooner we agree being stronger is a better way to live your life the sooner we can get to the topic of what the best way to get stronger is.
For now let’s all agree strength makes life easier and an easier life is a happier life.