Why Monday Is The Best Day Of The Week
It’s Friday and you’re pumped! One more day of work and then you get 2 days off!
You have a whole weekend of things planned out and good times ahead of you.
The clock hits 5pm on Friday afternoon and you’re out of there! Cya later work it’s time to party!
Your weekend has begun!
You go out with friends Friday night, catch up with family for breakfast Saturday and spend Saturday afternoon at the beach. You go out Saturday night and have a few too many drinks and sleep in Sunday.
You go out for lunch on Sunday and then spend the afternoon lazing around the house watching the footy or Netflix. The weekend has just flown by and you are now staring down the barrel of Monday morning…
Your mood drops when you suddenly start realise it’s off to work again tomorrow morning. All the excitement and fun you had over the weekend is forgotten and all you can think about is how much you’re not looking forward to going to work the next day!
The start of another long week of work!
Most dread this day but not me!
I personally love Mondays.
To me it is a chance to start again.
To make this week better than the last.
To sit down first thing Monday morning and reflect on the things you did well the week before, the things which need improving and create a fresh to do list to get after!
In case I haven’t won you over (yet) here are 3 reasons I love Mondays!
1. It’s the first day of the week and if you were responsible over the weekend you should be feeling refreshed and ready to go for whatever life throws at you. If you made poor choices this will not be you…
2. It’s the first day of the week and it is the day you set the tone for what follows that week! If you start the week by building momentum the rest of the week becomes easier.
3. Mondays are where you get back to consistency. You wake up at the same time for work, you eat at the same time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You go to the gym at the same time! Weekends generally throw a spanner in the works and is where i see people fall down with exercise and nutrition.
Next time you’re sitting there on a Sunday night dreading Monday morning I challenge you to change your outlook.
Look at it as an opportunity to be better than you were last week. Change your perspective and change your week!
Every Monday gives you the chance to get stronger, to eat better, to live healthier and be a better version of you!