The Other 23 Hours

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What are you doing with the other 23 hours?

Great coaching goes beyond the four walls of the gym. The daily habits of my clients are at the forefront of my mind also…  

I am a coach and I know exactly what my clients do for the 60-90 minutes they are in my gym because I can script this to the minute in our classes.

The warm up, the strength component and the conditioning is all set out.

I know what weights they should lift and I know what they should do when it comes to conditioning based on their fitness levels. But is this really enough?

What about their time outside the gym?

Take into account on average most sleep for no more than 8 hours a night this still leaves 15 hours in the day which needs to be accounted for. (Assuming they spend an hour with me) 

It is easy to focus on creating the “best program in the world” for our clients.

As coaches we can spend hours writing the perfect formula of sets and reps and heart rate for the conditioning. The real question is what are your clients doing outside the gym?

I can only speak for myself when stating this but I actually care more about what my clients do outside of the gym than what they do inside the gym…

What are they doing during the other 23 hours in the day?

Are those hours spent supporting their training?
Did they get a good night sleep?
Are they recovered?
What about their nutrition and meal timing?
How stressed are they?
What is their mindset like?

The time spent in the gym only forms part of their athletic development and delivers only 20% of the results. The other 80% is achieved through better habits outside the gym's four walls.

I can train a client with the best program in the world and still deliver the worst results if they come in having slept for 4 hours, skipped lunch that day and sat in an office chair for 8-10 hours.

It doesn’t matter what the program is if they don’t have the other 23 hours sorted out!

Accelerate Strength