Travelling/Hotel Workouts

10 min AMRAP

16 alternating lunges

12 v-snap or v-tuck

8 push ups

5 rounds for time:

15 air squats

15 sit ups

15 shoulder taps

Tabata (8 rounds of 20 sec work & 10 sec rest)

Beginner: burpees

Advanced: double push up tuck jump burpees

5 rounds for time:

10 Thrusters

20 Situps

20 Lunges

10/5 Push ups

Alternate Version:

40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest each movement. Score = total reps.

Park/Beach run:

Run at a 7/10 effort pace. Every 2 mins stop and complete 1 minute of 1 of the following movements. Each time you stop complete a different movement.

Air squats

Push ups



Run into shoulder deep water and swim back to shore

Hollow hold

Sit ups

Strength Day:

Back squat

5 x 5 As heavy as possible AHAP

Lat Pull Down

5 x 5-10 reps As heavy as possible AHAP


5 x 5 As heavy as possible AHAP

Bench Press with bar or DBs

5 x 10 As heavy as possible AHAP

If you have all the equipment, do this as a circuit moving between movements. Rest 3-5 minutes between each completed round. If you don’t have all the equipment, you can just do any of these movements and sets/reps individually

Morning Routine:

10 Rounds

30 seconds on each of

KB Swing 24/16kg



Burpee Run:

5 Rounds

200m Run

10 Burpee box jump (use a wall or park bench)

Up and Down:

For time


Push Up




Double Under

(For a cardio version of this, replace push up with burpee and squat with sit ups. You can do double unders or 200m Run at the end of each round)

Buns of steel:

6 Rounds

20m Walking Lunge

20 Push Up

20m Walking Lunge

20 V-Snap or sit up

10 min AMRAP

Beginner: 10 squats, 10 push ups (from knees if needed), 10 sit ups

Advanced: 10 pistols, 10 decline push ups, 10 v-ups

5 rounds for time:

Using Dumbbells, Kettlebells a barbell

Beginner: 8 thrusters, 15 sit ups

Advanced: 8 clusters, 15 v-ups

Hotel Triathlon:

4 rounds of 2 minutes on each piece of equipment:




Aim is to stick at a 7/10 effort pace the whole way through!

Cindy: AMRAP 20 mins

5 Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Squats

AB City:

5 Rounds

20 seconds work/40 seconds rest on each

Bicycle kicks

Plank hold

Butterfly kicks

Mountain climbers

Descending Ladder:


Single arm DB thruster 20/15kg

KB Swing 24/16kg

AMRAP 10 minutes

10 Push Press 40/30kg

10 Burpee

10 Box Jump

Chest and Guns:


Bench Press @BW

Strict Pull up or Lat pull down (heavy)


AMRAP 20 minutes

Max Pull Up

Every time you drop off the bar, 400m Run



Sit up

Double under

Shoulder Burn:

AMRAP 20 minutes

With a partner

(Round for round)

20m Bear Crawl

20m Burpee broad Jump

Beach fun:

5 Rounds

1 minute on each

Handstand Push Up

Jumping Lunge

Sit ups
