It's Your Choice...


I would consider myself an optimistic person. Always looking for the reason or the ways in which things can work. If faced with a situation with downside or upside I will always choose to focus on the upside and to take it one step further focus also on the things which I have complete control over…

While the correlation between optimism and success isn’t always true, in my opinion the correlation between negative thinking and failure is!

I see this play out with people who fail in their fitness pursuits. Every time I talk with them they can give me 101 reasons why they can’t make it to a training session but on the other hand they can’t think of a single reason to make training for the day…

If this is you, I urge you to catch yourself out when your train of thought starts going this way and replace every negative thought with a positive one and see where it takes you!

Accelerate Strength