Accelerate Strength

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Episode #63 Setting Up Your Day For Success

I like to think we coaches at Accelerate Strength are pretty observant. One trend which stands out to us is the fact that most people don’t do the thing which is most important to them each day. Whether this is time in the gym, spending time with your kids, eating good food or getting some exercise outdoors.

Most people tend to have good intentions but then continuously fall short leaving them unsatisfied…

If it’s the most important thing why don’t people do it??? We hear the same reasons over and over. Running around after the kids, worked late, my partner worked late… We all have the same obstacles to deal with so why do some people seem to succeed every day and others don’t?

In this episode we go through what success each day looks like to us some common observations from clients who seem to have it figured out and hopefully there is a takeaway or two in there for you to incorporate into your day!

Tune in by clicking here.

Shaun Diachkoff
