How Much Do You Care?


I remember in my early days of coaching (not to say I’m still not in my early days) of how insecure and self conscious I was standing in front of a room full of people.

The thought of standing at the front of the room would make me nervous. Would everyone like me, would they listen, would they keep coming back and paying to train with me?

It was easy to work myself up and think I was inadequate or who was I to be coaching them?  

There was always one thing I had people comment on about my coaching and that was how “passionate” I was and how much effort and enthusiasm I put into coaching every class. I never realised or recognised the importance of this until recently…

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

To be a great coach or leader you don’t have to be the best at whatever it is you coach. It helps to be good but it isn’t the most important quality. It’s a matter of doing the little things right which makes all the difference.

Things like remembering people's names, asking questions and listening to them. I don’t just mean waiting for them to finish speaking and then you speak because it’s your turn. Actually listen to what they say, repeat back to them what they said so they know they have been heard and only then move on.

This lesson is true in any profession or position you might hold. People will only care about what you have to say when they know you have their best interests at heart.

Stop thinking about yourself and whatever issues you might have and listen and care more!  

Shaun Diachkoff


Accelerate Strength