Time Is On Your Side...
This year is flying by right…
If I asked you right now how your goals for this year were coming along how would you answer?
If I’m to be honest with you I still have lots of work to do…. And I bet you do too!
The year is definitely going by fast but don’t let it be the excuse that lets you off the hook till next year.
While we can’t stop time we can make the most of it.
So right now when you finish reading this I want you to please spend a few moments revisiting what you wanted to achieve this year. Be it fitness, business or relationship goals check in with them…
Now is your opportunity to not let time get away from you!
There are 4 months left in the year so I want you to work out 4 simple steps to reach the goal you have. For example: by the end of September I will…
Now from each of those large monthly goals break each of them into 4 weekly goals. For example: By the end of week 1,2,3 or 4 in September I will…
And again break down those weekly goals into what you need to do daily. For example: Every day this week I will…
Here is your roadmap to finishing the year strong. It’s not too late to reach your 2018 goals.
Act on it now and don’t let time pass you by…
Shaun Diachkoff